Places of interest within easy reach are: Candelara, Pesaro, Urbino, Gradara Castle, The Rock of Mondavio, The Frasassi, The Gorge Furlo, The Republic of San Marino and many more …

A ten minute drive from the center of Pesaro, enjoying the rolling hills typical dell’urbinate, we arrive at Ristorante Pizzeria Da Fiorella. The restaurant is renowned for the simple and genuine. The kitchen sees the triumph of old plates of the Marche. The restaurant has been awarded one of the top hundred best pizzerias in Italy.
Candles Candelara
According to the historian Luigi Michelini Tocci Candelara of the name – from the Latin Candelaria – is to be found to a light source, a fire, a lighthouse. While local researchers, collecting oral communications passed down through the centuries, the legend indicates that a lord of Pesaro, intending to build a castle in this area, made light three candles in three different places of the village.
In the place where he had not turned off, then he would have built his castle. The candle that went out was the one located to the west of the Parish. This site is in fact the more sheltered from the wind. Here was the castle, and around the township. The name Candelara, therefore, derives from sunnominate candles have become the beginning of two centuries ago, the emblem of the country.